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Moulinsart - Tintin / Kuifje - Officier / Officer / Officier (album : The Broken Ear) (6cm)
Moulinsart - Tintin / Kuifje - Officier / Officer / Officier (album : The Broken Ear) (6cm)
Moulinsart - Tintin / Kuifje - Officier / Officer / Officier (album : The Broken Ear) (6cm)

Tintin - Figurine "Les Archives Tintin" - The Broken Ear : Tintin Officer (B/W) (Metal)

SKU: 4701765

This hand-painted flat alloy figurine of Tintin wearing army uniform is based on a frame from the black and white version of The Broken Ear. The reverse side is drawn in keeping with the original.

Original album : L'Oreille cassée

L x W x H = 3.70 cm x 0.80 cm x 5.40 cm

Box : Grey (2.544.217)  -  Material : Metal

Ref. : 589 - 598