Now theatrical, lyrical and as if possessed by his illustrious ancestor, the knight François de Hadoque. We find him here in a combat position, ready to fight with these forbidding men, in this case, his janitor and a locksmith. Presented in a position that says a lot about his ferocity in the engagement, Haddock transports us in a single image in a world of freebooters, privateers and gallows-birds. Tintin's friend is a real tough guy, which does not prevent him from being a real comedian, even with a sword in his hand.
Reference of the figurine : The Secret of the Unicorn, plate 13, box D3
First appearance : The Crab with the Golden Claws
Distinguishing feature : Wearing a pirate hat and wielding a navy sword with ferocity
Famous sentence : Off you go, pirates! At large!
Weight of the figurine : 120 gr
Size of the figurine : 131 mm
The Moulinsart Resin figure comes in a transparent plastic cylinder. It stands approx. 12 cm tall.
Official title of figure : Haddock en Hadoque
Ref. : 18074 - 18077