Everyone's favorite bounty hunter goes medieval...medieval Japan that is. Boba Fett joins the Meisho Movie realization series in a spectacular feudal Japan aesthetic, appropriately portrayed as a lord-less "Ronin" Samurai via the sculpting talent of artists Takeyuki Takeya and Junichi Taniguchi. In addition to his EE-3 rifle portrayed as an flint-lock style blaster, this deluxe figure set features an extensive array of accessories- characteristic backpack missile can be removed/attached, helmet mounted scope is moveable. Also in addition to short ninja-style katana and sheath, numerous ninja-style blade accessories that can be subtly attached to shin and forearm areas are also included and will have you wondering if this unique portrayal of Boba Fett would actually say the words "He's no good to me dead".
It stands approx. 17 cm tall.
Packaging : Cardboard box
Ref. : 11842